Admissions (336) 553-6596
We can help. Call us at (336) 621-3381

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I’m admitted to Fellowship Hall?

You are asked to bring only 1 support person to admission and to bring an appropriate face covering to wear anytime social distancing of 6′ can not be maintained between you and another person.

When you arrive, park in our traffic circle and phone Admissions at 336-553-6596 or our Office at 336-621-3381 to alert us of your arrival. Nursing staff will greet you outside and conduct a COVID-19 screening (including a temperature check). If you or your support person have any COVID symptoms or a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, our medical team will determine appropriate next steps. 

If you pass the initial screening, you will be directed to our testing tent for a PCR COVID test via nasal swab. Test results will generally be available within 25-40 minutes; your support person may wait in our lobby for test results. Those with a negative test result will proceed with admission and the nursing assessment. 

Your support person will be given a family orientation packet to review. Once intake is completed, you will complete the admission, followed by a physical exam and medical history. We may begin detoxification and physical stabilization if necessary.

Should your COVID test be positive, you will be advised to quarantine at home for 10 days. After quarantine, you are eligible to return for admission.

What is a typical day like?

  • Wake-up & Breakfast: 6:30-8am
  • Eye Opener & Lectures: 8:30 – 10am
  • Specialty Lecture or Free Time: 10-11am
  • Lecture: 11am – Noon
  • Lunch: Noon
  • Group Therapy: 1-2:30pm
  • Structured Activity: 3-4pm
  • Men’s Exercise: 4-5pm
  • Dinner: 5pm
  • Women’s Exercise: 6-7pm
  • 12 Step Meetings (M-F): 7:15-9:30pm
  • Lights Out: 11:30pm

A schedule of activities is posted each morning, consisting of individual and group therapy sessions, lectures, discussion groups, video presentations, recreational activities, and AA and NA meetings. While there is some free time throughout the day to complete assignments and for personal care, the schedule of treatment is a full one. Evening programs at Fellowship Hall usually conclude by 7:30PM.  Learn more about a day at The Hall.

What are the opportunities for exercise or outdoor recreation?

Fellowship Hall has an activity room complete with free weights, several exercise machines including a treadmill and an elliptical machine. We also have a yoga instructor who teaches once a week. In the warmer months, there are outside basketball goals, a volleyball pit, and horseshoes. We also have a beautiful, maintained meditation trail that contains twelve “gardens”, each corresponding with a step in recovery.

How long does treatment last?

The length of your stay will be based on your personal needs and the severity of your substance use disorder. The average length of stay is anywhere from three to four weeks, with some guests requiring less time before entering an outpatient program, and others requiring a longer period to complete treatment.

Our clinical staff completes a thorough assessment to determine your specific needs. We write individualized and customized treatment plans for each guest, complete with goals and benchmarks for your treatment, and you are not discharged until those goals are met.

When appropriate, a person may be admitted directly to our Intensive Outpatient Program.

What if I suffer from withdrawal symptoms?

We provide a medically managed detoxification program from alcohol and most other drugs. Our medical and nursing staff is skilled in managing withdrawal symptoms, which will allow you to participate in the treatment program. Registered Nurses are on duty at all times to ensure a safe withdrawal. Detoxification from alcohol usually takes 2-5 days depending on the severity of symptoms, while detoxification from drugs may take a little longer.

How much individual therapy will I receive?

Our main approach to treatment is group therapy, however, additionally, everyone will receive a minimum of two individual counseling sessions each week with their counselor but the number of sessions is dependent on your treatment plan.

What is the difference between primary and extended treatment?

Our Primary residential program is focused on education, therapy, and fellowship that provides essential recovery supports. The entire treatment team (medical, nursing, counseling, and activities) are involved in providing this care, individualized for each person.

Some people will need further and more in-depth work on their personal relapse factors such as unresolved issues, trauma, family of origin problems, their current family system, personality factors and other barriers to sobriety and recovery. Some have already been in recovery or other treatment and know they need more. These are examples of how Extended Care can be a great fit.

If I am experiencing depression and anxiety, will that be addressed?

Yes. Our goal is to give you all the tools of treatment and recovery necessary. In many instances, though, we discover that substance use may not always be the only issue. There are often other co-occurring disorders. Our staff, which includes counselors and a full-time addiction psychiatrist, is able to recognize depression and anxiety. Fellowship Hall provides support and care for such co-occurring disorders.  We provide the skills to meet life’s challenges without the use of drugs and alcohol.

What if I have psychiatric issues?

While our main focus is on chemical dependency, we have psychiatrists on our treatment team who provide services as needed. Generally, if a person’s psychiatric issues interfere with the guest’s ability to benefit from our program, we help to find a more appropriate treatment facility. Typically, patients’ psychiatric symptoms are resolved during the recovery process and through continued abstinence.

Can I take my usual prescription medications while in treatment?

Usually, yes. However, certain medications may be unsafe while in treatment.  We have seen many individuals struggle to recover from substance use disorder, unaware that a medicine prescribed for them is triggering their addiction.  Each medicine is checked for its relapse potential as well as its safety to determine whether you should continue taking it.  In certain cases, an alternative, safer treatment can usually be prescribed.

Can I leave if I want?

When you enter treatment at Fellowship Hall, you agree to follow the recommendations of the treatment team, which includes staying in treatment until our staff feels you are ready for discharge. However, a guest can leave against medical advice if he or she so chooses.

Will I lose time from work?

Our primary and extended treatment programs are inpatient, therefore you will be required to miss work once you enter treatment. We also refer guests to intensive out-patient treatment as the next level of care in their treatment process. This level of care typically has a smaller impact on your ability to work or none at all.  We understand your concerns about lost income and missed work and want to help you address those concerns. We will work with you and your employer to limit the impact of treatment on your employment. In most cases, employment and professional relationships are preserved, and even enhanced, by treatment.

How is my family involved?

Substance use disorder is a disease that affects the entire family. When you come to Fellowship Hall for treatment, we ask your family, friends, or loved ones that accompany you to fill out a questionnaire to provide information about your disorder and its impact on the family. If necessary, additional forms may be mailed to your family and/or friends.

We also determine if it is appropriate for your family to attend one of our Family Programs. Our Family Therapy Program includes education and counseling that assists your family and friends on their own path to recovery. Our Family Education Program is a one-day workshop where loved ones can learn about the disease of addiction. We believe it is extremely important for family members and loved ones to understand the disease. 

What can I bring?

When you are admitted, all of your personal items, included purses and wallets, will be thoroughly checked. Any inappropriate items will be given to your family to take home or and kept secure until your discharge.

  • Be sure to bring your photo ID, health insurance card, FMLA and/or any  disability documentation.
  • One suitcase and one carry-on sized bag. More than the accepted number of pieces of luggage will be turned away at check-in.  Overage items may be shipped home at your expense.  Please do not overpack.
  • Washable face masks to comply with our universal mask-wearing policy during COVID-19.
  • Do not bring valuables (large sums of money, expensive jewelry, or other valuable items). We will not assume responsibility for the loss of valuables left in your room. If you bring such items with you, please check them in at time of admission to be kept in the safe.
  • Clothing should be comfortable, casual and in good taste. Do not bring tank/halter tops, bike shorts, torn clothing, running shorts, swimsuits, or clothing that depicts tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, sex or other inappropriate language or slang. Appropriate attire includes: jeans, casual slacks, sport shirts, knee-length shorts, skirts, dresses, sweatpants/suits, leggings are allowed but must be covered by clothing that is knee-length, tennis shoes, sandals, light-weight jacket year-round, heavier coat in winter months.
  • Cigarette and vape smoking is permitted for guests 21 or over; however, vapes may only be tobacco or menthol-flavored. 
  • You may bring one religious text (approved by the individual counselor) that supports your recovery and blank journals. No other reading material is permitted.
  • Laundry facilities, including iron and ironing boards, are available for guest use. We supply laundry detergent.
  • Hairdryers, curling or straightening irons are permitted. These items will be checked for safety.
  • Personal toiletry items that are new and unopened (shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant, cosmetics, shaving cream, soap, and all personal hygiene items).
  • Family members may mail care packages addressed to: Guest name, Fellowship Hall, 5140 Dunstan Rd., Greensboro NC 27405. Any snacks must be in single-serving sizes.

The following items are NOT permitted:

  • Fellowship Hall provides linens, towels, blankets, and pillows. Health codes prevent us from allowing blankets, pillows or stuffed animals from home to be brought into the facility.
  • Do NOT bring the following items:
    • Over-the-counter medication
    • Dietary supplements(including vitamin water, protein powders or energy bars), creams, or ointments
    • Any item (hand sanitizer, hairspray, mouthwash) with alcohol as one of the first three ingredients
    • Any aerosol spray (hairspray, foot spray, deodorant, etc.)
    • Self-tanning lotion
    • Straight razors or double-sided razor blades
    • Body spray, cologne, aftershave, and perfume
    • Travel-sized toiletries with no listed ingredients
    • Hair dye
    • Shoe polish
    • Laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener
    • Sexual devices, including condoms
    • Personal radio, iPod, or MP3 player, including clock radio
    • CDs, DVDs, cassette and VHS tapes
    • Television, DVD player, VCR
    • Laptop or iPad
    • Cell phone or pager
    • FitBit or other “smart” watch device
    • Camera
    • Recording device
    • Electronic games
    • Night light, flashlights
    • Drug paraphernalia
    • Pillows and blankets
    • Sports or exercise equipment (bats, rackets, balls, free weights, exercise ball or bands, etc)
    • Candles and incense
    • Weapons of ANY kind (guns, knives, mace/pepper spray, etc)
    • Knitting or crochet hooks/needles
    • Space heaters
    • Clothing iron/ steamer
    • Photos of people wearing explicit or skimpy clothing or clothing that references alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Photos that contain images of alcohol or drugs.

Will people know I’m at Fellowship Hall?

Strict federal law protects all information, concerning our guests. Unless you sign a release giving permission, we will not acknowledge your participation in treatment.

Will my insurance pay for treatment?

Many insurance plans provide coverage for treatment, but that coverage differs from plan to plan. We are happy to contact your insurance carrier and determine how your benefits will apply. Learn more about Financing Information & Insurance

How much does treatment cost?

Charges are based on services received, length of stay, and insurance reimbursement. Our financial staff is available to answer any questions you may have. We also offer financing options. Please see our Financing Options page for more information.

Can I have visitors while I am there?

It is very important that you focus your attention on your own needs and not worry about family, social, or work matters. After your first 7 days, you have two options for contacting family: 1) via video call under the supervision of your counselor, during your two weekly counseling sessions and/or 2) via our telephones between the hours of 12:00 noon and 11:00PM.

Is this a Christian program?

The Twelve Step recovery program is a spiritual program, allowing each guest to define his/her Higher Power within his/her own beliefs. Recovery works well for people of all faiths, even people with little or no religious beliefs.

What else do I need to know?

  • Any guests identified as a potential risk for COVID-19 will be discharged and referred to their personal healthcare provider.
  • Mail is posted and delivered daily except Sunday.
  • Pharmacy orders may be placed for necessities (such as shampoo, etc.)
  • Stamps are sold at the front desk. You will need to provide your own stationery.
  • After the first week in treatment, trips to the barbershop/salon can be scheduled as long as it does not interfere with classes. Color, perms, and manicures/pedicures are prohibited.
  • Tea, coffee, milk, and juices are available for free. Soft drinks can be purchased from the vending machine.
  • Limited snacks may be brought from home. No open food containers are allowed in guest rooms.