Frequently Asked Questions
Who comes to Fellowship Hall?
Fellowship Hall is a treatment program for adult men and women suffering from chemical dependency. Because we are not a locked facility, we do not treat persons under involuntary commitment or who are dangerous to themselves or others.
What if the person also has a psychiatric problem?
While our main focus is on chemical dependency, we have psychiatrists on our treatment team who provide services as needed. Generally if a person’s psychiatric issues interfere with the guest’s ability to benefit from our program, we help to find a more appropriate treatment facility. Typically, patients’ psychiatric symptoms are resolved during the drug and alcohol recovery process and through continued abstinence.
What is a typical day like?
Each guest is expected to be up at 6:30 a.m., dressed and at breakfast by 7:30 a.m. A schedule of activities is posted each morning, consisting of individual and group therapy sessions, lectures, discussion groups, video presentations, recreational activities and external AA and NA meetings. While there is some free time throughout the day to complete assignments and for personal care, the schedule of treatment is a full one. Evening programs at the facility usually conclude by 7:30 p.m., and those returning from outside AA and NA meetings are back at approximately 9:30 p.m. All guests are expected to be in bed by 11:30 p.m. Learn more about a day at The Hall.
How long is the program?
Fellowship Hall offers a 30-day rehab program. A treatment plan is written for each guest, and guests are not discharged until the goals of this plan are met. When appropriate, a person may be admitted directly to our intensive outpatient program.
Can I leave if I want?
Each guest entering Fellowship Hall agrees to follow the recommendations of the treatment team, which includes staying in treatment until the staff feels he/she is ready for discharge. A guest can leave against medical advice if he/she so chooses.
How is family involved?
We realize that addiction is a disease that affects the entire family. When a person comes for treatment, we ask that the family or the people he/she has asked to accompany him/her fill out a questionnaire to provide personal information about the guest. Additional forms may be mailed to the family and/or friends if indicated. We also determine if it is appropriate to invite family to our intensive, four-day Family Program or suggest our one-day Family Workshop. Our Family Programs assist the family in beginning its own path to drug and alcohol recovery.
Will people know I am at Fellowship Hall?
Strict federal law protects all information, concerning our guests. Unless our guests sign a release giving permission, we will not acknowledge a person’s participation in treatment.
What if I suffer withdrawal symptoms?
Fellowship Hall provides a detoxification program from alcohol and most other drugs. Our Medical Director is skilled in medically managing withdrawal symptoms, allowing participation in the treatment program. Registered Nurses are on duty at all times to insure safe withdrawal. Detoxification from alcohol usually takes 2-5 days depending on severity of symptoms, while detoxification from drugs may take a little longer.
May I have visitors while I am there?
New guests are not allowed telephone calls for the first 7 days of treatment. It is very important that guests focus their attention on their own needs and not worry about family, social or business matters. After the first 7 days, guests may have phone privileges.
What should I bring?
Guests at Fellowship Hall dress comfortably and casually; washers and dryers are provided so guests can take care of their laundry. Shorts must be near the knee, and we do not allow any tank tops or clothing promoting drugs or alcohol. Women may wear leggings, but must be covered by tops that are knee length. Any toiletries you bring must be new and unopened. Smoking of cigarettes is permitted for guests 21 and over; please note that vapes are not permitted. Because we want all guests involved in the group process, we do not allow any personal radios, televisions, computers, beepers, cameras, recording devices or reading material. We will supply linens, soap, and laundry detergent. Guests do attend local AA and NA meetings in the evenings, so a jacket appropriate to the season should be included. Click here for a packing list.
Is this a Christian program?
No. The Twelve Step drug and alcohol recovery program is a spiritual program, allowing each guest to define his/her Higher Power within his/her own beliefs. Drug and alcohol recovery works well for people of all faiths, even people with little or no religious beliefs.
What will it cost and what does my insurance cover?
Charges are based on services received, length of stay and insurance reimbursement. We do not accept Medicaid or Medicare. Many insurance plans provide coverage for treatment, but it differs from plan to plan. We will be happy to contact your insurance carrier and determine how your benefits will apply. Click here more information on how much treatment costs at Fellowship Hall.