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Step 7: The Humility Step

Just think about it, when you reach Step 7, you’re beyond the half-way mark to making it through the 12 and it’s Step 7 that truly becomes the turning point that can get you there.

Many have described Step 7 as the “humility” step, but what does being humble really mean? According to, humility is having a modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, etc. To put in simple terms, it means reaching the realization that we’re all human, we all make mistakes, and coming to grips with the fact that we can’t do it all on or own (no matter what “all” is)!

Asking for help is not an easy thing to do for some of us. In fact, asking for help can bring on anxiety and shame – but those thoughts surface because we’re not being honest with ourselves and looking at things from a realistic perspective. Do we really have control over our life? Is our life really all good? Are we doing just fine on our own?

When we can honestly look at where we are, and realize that we DO need help, it’s the beginning of a wonderful relationship with our Higher Power. Building that relationship requires us to trust that when we earnestly ask for help, we will receive it.

Have you had enough of trying to do it on your own? Are you ready to ask your High Power to remove your shortcomings? The key to Step 7 is being intentional, specifically asking for removal of the shortcoming that hinders you most. Is it anger? Is it depression? Whatever it is, ask your Higher Power to remove it, and ask frequently! Soon, you will begin to see the result as you gradually begin to let go, overcome, manage, and control the shortcomings that you identified in yourself. If you do the hard work of identifying your “stuff,” asking your High Power to remove it, and trusting that it will be done – you are well on your way to humility.

Don’t let pride and selfishness stand in your way. Begin to practice humility. Welcome the change of attitude that you will begin to see in you and keep walking toward Step 12 on your journey to recovery.