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This blog is a part of our ongoing series on recovery tips. Each month beginning in October 2019, a Fellowship…

Understanding Addiction & Family Support

Posted on January 15, 2020
Category: Uncategorized

Alcoholism and drug addiction is a disease, not a lack of willpower, not a moral weakness, not a sign of…

The holidays are rife with triggers. For many, they are indicative of jovial social events and spending time with family….

The holiday season can be tough for many, especially those experiencing homelessness, trauma, and mental health and substance use challenges….

This blog is a part of our ongoing series on recovery tips. Each month beginning in October 2019, a Fellowship…

For years, society has stigmatized addiction. No matter who experiences a substance use disorder, shame is usually part of addiction’s…

Celebrating Sobriety During Recovery Month

Posted on September 4, 2019
Category: Uncategorized

September marks a special time in the recovery community. It’s National Recovery Month, and while we’re on the heels of…

Are you anxious about undergoing a medical procedure while in addiction recovery? Are you hesitant to take prescription medications for…

If you haven’t heard of Mindfulness, it’s a form of meditation designed to bring greater awareness to your mind and…

There are many benefits to consistently attending meetings throughout your recovery.  Here are a few reasons to encourage you to…