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What Is Your One Thing?

Gary Keller, Founder of Keller-Williams Realty, wrote the best-selling book The One Thing: The Surprising Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.  In it, he shares with readers his secret to success: Think big but focus on one specific thing at a time.  He suggests that you ask yourself, “What is the one thing I can do that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?”  By answering that question you will discover the most important thing on which to focus your time and undivided attention.

Keller explains, “You can do two things at once, but you can’t focus effectively on two things at once. Even my dog Max knows this. When I get caught up with a basketball game on TV, he gives me a good nudge. Apparently, background scratches can be pretty unsatisfying.  Many think that because their body is functioning without their conscious direction, they’re multitasking. This is true, but not the way they mean it. A lot of our physical actions, like breathing, are being directed from a different part of our brain than where focus comes from. As a result, there’s no channel conflict. We’re right when we say something is ‘front and center’ or ‘top of mind,’ because that’s where focus occurs–in the prefrontal cortex. When you focus, it’s like shining a spotlight on what matters. You can actually give attention to two things, but that is what’s called ‘divided attention.’ And make no mistake. Take on two things and your attention gets divided. Take on a third and something gets dropped.”

That ONE thing is the key to your success.  Once you have figured it out, the next thing is to determine how many dominoes you need to line-up and then knock-down to achieve it? The dominoes represent your goals.  Set goals that you can achieve now, goals for the near future and also what Keller calls “Someday Goals.” These are goals that may be as far as five years in the future.

What is your ONE Thing?  Taking the time to discover it and then giving it your undivided attention will help you to be successful in 2019 and beyond!