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6 Strategies to Avoid Relapse Triggers

Posted on May 31, 2018
Category: Relapse
Protecting your recovery at all costs must be emphasized at every stage of recovery.  Because relapse starts well before a person picks up a drink or a drug, it is essential to understand what your relapse triggers are. You may ask, “What the heck is a trigger?”  A trigger can

How Long Does Addiction Recovery Take?

Posted on April 27, 2018
Category: Levels of Care, Programs
By David Sack, M.D. When a patient discovers that they have an illness, one of their first questions is, “How long until I get better?” In the field of addiction treatment, there is an ongoing debate about what the answer should be. Some feel the only way to instill hope for
People in recovery must be especially careful when taking any kind of over-the-counter (otc) or prescription medications. Many otc meds contain alcohol or other ingredients that could endanger their sobriety by triggering a relapse. Even physicians not familiar with addiction may prescribe meds that are not safe for the addict/alcoholic.

What happens when I relapse? 5 Signs to look for

Posted on March 14, 2018
Category: Relapse
For preventing a relapse, it is important to recognize warning signs before the actual relapse happens. Here are five signs to look for that may help you prevent a relapse: You get complacent. Sometimes when recovery is going well, you may get too comfortable in your new state of being

HIV – 7 Things You Need to Know

Posted on March 1, 2018
Category: Addiction
HIV is a scary disease – despite the best efforts of the medical community, there is no cure, no effective vaccine and HIV therapies are expensive with significant side effects. And while we have a good understanding of the disease, it is estimated that 1 in 7 of the 1,000,000+

Mindfulness: A Secret Weapon Against Cravings?

Posted on February 8, 2018
Category: Addiction, Recovery
If you haven’t heard of Mindfulness, it’s a form of meditation designed to bring greater awareness to your mind and body, allowing you to separate your thoughts from your emotions. For years, Mindfulness has been used to help manage cravings; more recently, mindfulness-based interventions have been used to specifically target

What Is Your One Thing for 2018?

Posted on January 2, 2018
Category: Introductory
Gary Keller, Founder of Keller-Williams Realty, wrote the best-selling book The One Thing: The Surprising Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.  In it, he shares with readers his secret to success: Think big but focus on one specific thing at a time.  He suggests that you ask yourself, “What is the

Why can’t she hear anything I say?

Posted on December 19, 2017
Category: Addiction, Families
Overcoming the challenges of communicating with a loved one struggling with Addiction Communicating with someone you love is not always easy.  Too often, conversations end with disagreements, misunderstandings and even broken relationships. If you are struggling to communicate with a loved one suffering from addiction, here are some helpful guidelines

Step Twelve

Posted on December 13, 2017
Category: 12 Steps
A blend of spiritual awakening, carrying the message, and daily practice Step Twelve of Alcoholics Anonymous consists of just 28 words:      “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this          message to alcoholics, and to practice these

Fellowship Hall will be a Tricare Provider!

Posted on December 12, 2017
Category: Introductory, Programs
Fellowship Hall, Inc., has been approved by Humana Military as a provider in the new TRICARE East Region and will begin accepting individuals with TRICARE coverage on March 1, 2018.  Active and retired service members and their families with TRICARE coverage will now have access to affordable and compassionate care